Canadian Medical Association

The Canadian Medical Association extends heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Sandy Buchman, CMA president (2019-2020), for his appointment as a member of the Order of Canada

Dr. Buchman’s contribution to the medical profession extends many decades and spans both provincial and national advocacy. While CMA president, he championed changes to improve the culture of medicine, recognizing the stress confronting physicians and the impact on patient care. Dr. Buchman advocated for equitable access to health care, spoke out against racism in the health system, and called for stronger measures to protect seniors and other vulnerable Canadians at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In addition to his advocacy work, Dr. Buchman is recognized for his dedication to patients and his leadership on all matters related to palliative care. His voice and leadership in Canada will resonate for years to come.  

On behalf of the medical profession, we congratulate Dr. Buchman on this well deserved achievement. 

Dr. Joss Reimer
President, CMA

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