Canadian Medical Association

Canadians need better access to health care. It’s time to move beyond massive backlogs, workforce shortages and record burnout among professionals – and the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is hard at work to challenge that status quo.

Guided by our Impact 2040 strategy, we collaborate with physicians, partners across the health sector and people with lived experience of the health system to advocate for more equitable, sustainable access to health care and a thriving medical profession.

Our focus is system-level change to:

How the CMA influences health care

The health care crisis affects every province and territory. The CMA leads national discussions on shared challenges and advocates for collaboration among all levels of government. We also help Canadians make sense of key issues in health care – and how the system works – with initiatives such as Healthcare For Real.

Our calls for action are moving the dial on health reform. And we’re not done yet.

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