“I can honestly say I have never been through anything like this in my life.” – Dr. Sabrina Akhtar, Toronto
When a global pandemic was declared in March 2020, medical professionals went into hyperdrive to try and contain the virus, treat patients and keep themselves safe. Nearly a year later this work continues, but what is the cost to physician wellness? Do we need to re-think wellness supports during COVID-19?
In this episode, Dr. Sabrina Akhtar explains the stress and burnout she’s experienced since the pandemic was declared, and Dr. Caroline Gérin-Lajoie talks to Dr. Joy Albuquerque, medical director of the Ontario Medical Association’s Physician Health Program, about the impact of the pandemic on physicians and medical learners.
This episode is available in English only.
The opinions stated in Sound Mind are made in a personal capacity and do not reflect those of the Canadian Medical Association and its subsidiaries.
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