Canadian Medical Association

On Mar. 18, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) announced that Dr. Kathleen Ross had successfully won the election for president-elect nominee. The election was held in British Columbia in keeping with the established geographical rotation of the presidency, with five candidates participating in the election process. 

CMA bylaws enable alternate candidates to stand for the position of president-elect. The process requires a nomination supported by 50 members, and in 2022, the alternate nomination deadline was Mar. 21. In keeping with this bylaw provision, the CMA received the nomination of Dr. Caroline Y. Wang.

The CMA’s Nomination Committee will be presenting both the nomination of Dr. Kathleen Ross and Dr. Caroline Y. Wang to the Aug. 16 Annual General Meeting. Delegates will be asked to vote for the president-elect of the CMA. 

The successful candidate will begin their term of office in August 2022 as president-elect and will assume the presidency in 2023.

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