Canadian Medical Association

On March 18, the CMA announced that Dr. Kathleen Ross had successfully won the election for president-elect nominee. The election was held in British-Columbia in keeping with the established geographical rotation, and 5 candidates participated in the election process. The term of office for the successful candidate starts in August 2022 as president-elect, and the presidency will take place in 2023/24.

CMA bylaws enable alternate candidates to stand for the position of president-elect. The process requires a nomination supported by 50 members, and in 2022, the alternate nomination deadline was March 21.

In keeping with this bylaw provision, the CMA is in receipt of a nomination from a member who seeks the alternate route to become president-elect.

The CMA’s Nomination Committee is tasked with bringing forward recommendations to the August AGM for all positions, including the president-elect. Their recommendations will be shared with all members well in advance of the AGM.

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