Canadian Medical Association
Check out the Royal College Physician Wellness Task Force’s recommendations on physician wellness in medicine and medical education.


Psychologically safe learning Establishing a wellness mindset

Dr. Ghazala Radwi describes the importance of cultivating trauma-informed learning environments in medical education.


Psychologically safe learning Establishing a wellness mindset Stress Relationships Physical, psychological and cultural safety

This CFMS document provides recommendations to support the health and well-being of medical students.

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Psychologically safe learning Policies, standards and best practices

In this Academic Psychiatry article, author Christine Yu Moutier highlights the need to integrate suicide prevention into medical education.

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Suicide Psychologically safe learning

Perfectionism in medicine is about setting rigid or unnecessarily high standards for flawless work or performance for yourself or others. 

Medical students need balanced ways of pursuing high standards, which can motivate and energize, while avoiding unrealistic performance expectations that can cause stress.


Psychologically safe learning Establishing a wellness mindset Physical, psychological and cultural safety

This paper explores learners’ perspectives on psychological safety in medical education and the impact it has on their learning experience. The authors explain how psychological safety among medical learners frees them from self-consciousness and therefore propose the term “educational safety” to describe the experience of learner psychological safety. 

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Psychologically safe learning Policies, standards and best practices Physical, psychological and cultural safety

McGill University’s WELL Office has created a four-year longitudinal wellness curriculum for undergraduate students. The program, integrated within the academic curriculum, promotes personal and professional well-being and encourages engagement with student wellness.

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Establishing a wellness mindset Psychologically safe learning Burnout Stress Self-care

In response to COVID-19, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada has compiled a collection of virtual teaching resources. These resources can help educators adjust their traditional teaching approaches.

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Psychologically safe learning COVID-19 wellness resources Policies, standards and best practices

This website from the Mental Health Commission of Canada summarizes the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students. It also includes a copy of the standard and a starter kit to help post-secondary institutions implement it.

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Establishing a wellness mindset Psychologically safe learning Policies, standards and best practices

This paper published in Clinical Rheumatology looks at how learner vulnerability in medical education can be exacerbated by the hidden curricula and hierarchies present in the learning environment. 

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Psychologically safe learning Physical, psychological and cultural safety

This article summarizes a presentation by Harvard University’s Amy Edmondson at Learn Serve Lead 2019, the Association of American Medical Colleges’ annual meeting on psychological safety in medicine. Edmondson’s research found that high-performing teams in hospitals reported higher error rates, which was attributed to psychologically safe working environments where all team members felt empowered to speak up.

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Psychologically safe learning Physical, psychological and cultural safety

In this paper, Torralba and colleagues examine how psychological safety in the clinical learning environment can affect four domains of the learner perceptions survey for resident physicians: learning, faculty/preceptors, personal, and systems/processes for medical errors.

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Psychologically safe learning Policies, standards and best practices Physical, psychological and cultural safety


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