Canadian Medical Association
Check out the Royal College Physician Wellness Task Force’s recommendations on physician wellness in medicine and medical education.


Psychologically safe learning Establishing a wellness mindset

Dr. Ghazala Radwi describes the importance of cultivating trauma-informed learning environments in medical education.


Psychologically safe learning Establishing a wellness mindset Stress Relationships Physical, psychological and cultural safety

Mental illnesses can be exacerbated by the medical training environment. In response, the CFMS has developed a new Wellness Curriculum Framework.

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Establishing a wellness mindset

Perfectionism in medicine is about setting rigid or unnecessarily high standards for flawless work or performance for yourself or others. 

Medical students need balanced ways of pursuing high standards, which can motivate and energize, while avoiding unrealistic performance expectations that can cause stress.


Psychologically safe learning Establishing a wellness mindset Physical, psychological and cultural safety

Role models are relatable people we admire and want to emulate, and who have attained positions we aspire to reach. 

In medicine, role models help medical students develop their professional identities, instilling in them professional values as well as healthy attitudes and wellness behaviours. 


Establishing a wellness mindset Relationships

McGill University’s WELL Office has created a four-year longitudinal wellness curriculum for undergraduate students. The program, integrated within the academic curriculum, promotes personal and professional well-being and encourages engagement with student wellness.

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Establishing a wellness mindset Psychologically safe learning Burnout Stress Self-care

This website from the Mental Health Commission of Canada summarizes the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students. It also includes a copy of the standard and a starter kit to help post-secondary institutions implement it.

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Establishing a wellness mindset Psychologically safe learning Policies, standards and best practices

The Wellness Initiative Network (WIN) is the central hub for wellness-related initiatives and clubs at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Faculty of Medicine. It advocates for policy and systemic change to improve medical students’ wellness, resiliency and sense of community.


Psychologically safe learning Establishing a wellness mindset Self-care

In this article, Dr. Jillian Horton shares her experiences with mentorship and the impact it can have on a mentee’s career. She discusses the effectiveness of mentorship, how to initiate a mentorship, the barriers for women in securing mentorships and her top mentoring tips.

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Mentorship in health care Psychologically safe learning Establishing a wellness mindset Relationships

In this article, Dr. Sara Gray, an emergency medicine physician and intensivist at St. Michael’s Hospital, shares her five steps to failing up and failing better. These are accepting failure, breaking the silence, practising excellent self-care, learning and teaching about it, and taking care of each other.

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Establishing a wellness mindset Self-care

This article from the Association of American Medical Colleges provides important information for students considering a leave of absence. It offers insight on how to prepare, including checklists for before a leave and for returning from leave.

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Establishing a wellness mindset Self-care

In this article, the Association of American Medical Colleges provides seven tips for surviving and making the most of medical school. These tips include taking an active role in the learning experience, taking care of one’s physical and mental health, and identifying and building relationships with mentors.

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Establishing a wellness mindset Relationships Self-care


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