Canadian Medical Association

The Physician Health and Wellness National Analysis Environmental Scan was commissioned by the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) and conducted in the fall of 2019 to understand the current landscape of physician health and wellness — including existing structures, programs and processes — and assess opportunities. Over 50 stakeholders from across Canada were formally engaged through interviews, information collection forms and in-person feedback sessions.

As the findings were being finalized, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, which exacerbated many of the challenges that physicians face. To ensure that the findings were relevant and reflected the context of the pandemic, a COVID-19 Briefing Report was developed to outline the pandemic’s impacts on physician health and wellness, the actions taken to protect the physician workforce, and the gaps arising from inaction or delayed action.

The CMA has made physician health and wellness one of its strategic priorities, and a key initiative has been the Physician Health and Wellness National Analysis. The report recommends 12 actions across four key areas:

  1. National standards and measurement;
  2. Awareness, availability and access;
  3. Partnerships and advocacy; and
  4. Information and knowledge.

The recommendations and additional reference documents can help physicians, health leaders and organizations target these key action areas to improve physician health and wellness, as well as medical culture in Canada.

Access the National Analysis resources

Physician Health and Wellness in Canada: A National Analysis

Infographic summary of the Physician Health and Wellness National Analysis

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Physician Health and Wellness in Canada: National Analysis Recommendations

Infographic highlighting the 12 National Analysis recommendations

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Physician Health and Wellness National Analysis Environmental Scan: Challenges and Opportunities for Advancement in Canada – Summary

Environmental scan: A summary of the challenges and opportunities for the advancement of physician health and wellness in Canada

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COVID-19: Impacts on Physician Health and Wellness in Canada: Report Executive Summary

COVID-19 Briefing Report: Executive summary of the impacts on physician health and wellness in Canada

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The Landscape of Physician Health & Wellness in Canada

Infographic on the key themes and findings of the landscape of physician health and wellness in Canada

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Physician Health and Wellness National Analysis Summary of Environmental Scan Approach

An overview of the approach taken in conducting the National Analysis environmental scan

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