Canadian Medical Association
The Physician Health and Wellness National Analysis builds an understanding of Canadian physician health and informs an action plan and framework.


Organizational wellness Policies, standards and best practices Building a case for support

Mental illnesses can be exacerbated by the medical training environment. In response, the CFMS has developed a new Wellness Curriculum Framework.

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Establishing a wellness mindset

Knowing what to do when a peer is experiencing significant stress can help to re-establish resiliency and joy in medicine. Learn the fundamentals of stress first aid.

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Peer support Stress Relationships

In this Academic Psychiatry article, author Christine Yu Moutier highlights the need to integrate suicide prevention into medical education.

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Suicide Psychologically safe learning

COVID-19 has caused significant stress for physicians. Understand the stressors and strategies that can affect pandemic recovery and reintegration.


COVID-19 wellness resources Self-care Resilience

This call to action highlights the fight to prevent clinician suicide. The article discusses the lived experience movement and the prevalence of stigma that continues to surround mental illnesses in medicine. The authors also highlight the impact of the pandemic and the evidence-based actions that stakeholder groups can take to prevent clinician suicide.

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Suicide COVID-19 wellness resources

Buddying up can help to support the welfare and safety of health care workers, especially during the pandemic. In this Ontario Medical Association resource, learn the fundamentals of how to establish a buddy system. These include formally identifying a buddy, establishing a platform, conducting check-ins and offering and receiving support with your buddy.

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Peer support Relationships

A buddy system can help by monitoring stress and building resilience. In this University of Ottawa resource, learn the fundamentals of how a buddy system works. These include formally identifying a buddy, establishing a platform and conducting check-ins. The resource also suggests key questions to ask your buddy.

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Peer support Relationships

The Education Bulletins by Well Doc Alberta provide evidence-informed tips aimed at supporting wellness during the pandemic. During times of crisis such as the pandemic, increased stress levels can heighten incivility in the workplace. Learn how to enhance civility and respect in this Well Doc Alberta Education Bulletin.

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Relationships COVID-19 wellness resources

Civility is defined as polite or courteous behaviour. Acts of incivility can lead to experiences of stress, burnout, anxiety and depression. In this Ontario Medical Association resource, learn about the five fundamentals of civility: respect others and yourself, be aware, communicate effectively, take good care of yourself and be responsible.

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This article reviews the history of the concept of wellness as a competency in residency programs and medical schools and its effect on individuals with disabilities.

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Training Policies, standards and best practices

The COVID-19 Wellness Series hosted by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, featured a panel discussion on racism toward physicians during COVID-19.

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Equity and diversity in medicine COVID-19 wellness resources


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